SRX offers a comprehensive electronic repair service:
Service That Meets Your Expectations
Supported by fully IPC trained staff, SRX understand our customers need for guaranteed up-time with minimal inventories of replacement units or spares. We will enter into Service Level Agreements that include a commitment to achieving minimum guaranteed turnaround times and other KPI's.
Full Tracking
Underpinning all of SRX electronic repair and service activities is our barcode tracking database, which is incorporated in the company’s Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system. Each item is scanned into this system when it arrives at the workshop and its status is updated as it progresses through the electronic repair cycle until it is shipped.
Reports on request
With such a wealth of data, SRX is able to produce Pareto charts which highlight potential design deficiencies, pie charts that show failures by geographical area, achieved-versus-contracted turnaround times and alert charts highlighting where repair actions have exceeded pre-determined parameters. All of this information is available to you upon request and supplements the continuous improvement dialogue between SRX and its customers throughout the repair process.